Focus on Quality at Control

Roughly five months to go until the next Control opens its doors: the international trade fair for quality assurance extends its invitation to Stuttgart from the 9th through the 12th of May, 2023. Attendance will be focused on the issues of vision technology, image processing and sensor technology, as well as measuring and test technology. Digitalisation is an imperative trend in all fields of business.
Frickenhausen, 10.01.2023 – The QA sector is eagerly awaiting the spring of 2023: the next Control international trade fair for quality assurance will take place in Stuttgart from the 9th through the 12th of May, 2023. Up-to-date issues covering all aspects of quality inspection and quality assurance will be presented in halls 3, 5, 7 and 9. And these issues have meanwhile attained unprecedented importance – efficiency, conservation of resources, automation and comprehensive data analysis are just a few of the drivers. To a greater or lesser extent, all manufacturing companies implement measures for the inspection of shape and dimensions, for object recognition and position detection, for presence and completeness checks, for internal and external component testing, and for surface inspection. Condition and process controls have become indispensable and methods for measuring and testing are being continuously improved and refined. As a decisive factor in industrial production, quality assurance is indispensable and further developments are thus eagerly awaited.
“Many companies regard Control as the leading trade fair for quality assurance. It’s definitely one of the industry’s most interesting and important events,” stresses Control project manager Fabian Krüger. This is confirmed by Dr. Marc Wawerla, Head of ZEISS Industrial Quality Solutions and President & CEO of Carl Zeiss Industrielle Messtechnik GmbH: “Control is an important, major international trade fair for ZEISS Industrial Quality Solutions.” Control is highly esteemed because it brings experts in the field of quality assurance together from all over the world. “We especially value the interaction with quality managers, engineers and manufacturing specialists,” stresses Wawerla.
The Trend: Digital Mapping of Processes, Infrastructure and Components
Testing the properties and condition of workpieces and products is essential for manufacturing quality. As a consequence, inline inspection processes, supported by artificial intelligence technologies (AI), have long since taken their place in everyday modern production. Great significance is attached to the digital transformation process which can be implemented, for example, by means of X-ray technology, optical 3D systems, measuring instruments for fast tactile measurement and modern software. Digital mapping of processes, infrastructure and components will have a significant impact, because virtual worlds serve as the basis for forecasting and optimisation. Digitalisation makes it possible to identify quality problems and their causes more quickly.
The fact that it’s even possible for small companies to get started with AI support was impressively demonstrated at Control 2022. And the barriers to entry will continue to decline. Control brings suppliers and users together on an equal footing and promotes an intensive personal exchange targeted at advancing outstanding QA measures to the state of the art in manufacturing. All businesses need to be efficient, fast and economical, and must make sparing use of resources, in order to remain competitive. Modern QA measures are basic prerequisites for keeping up with ever-expanding challenges.
Sustainable Production: Control 2023 will Showcase Numerous Further Developments
Control 2023 will present lots of further developments covering all aspects of measuring and test technology, materials testing, analysis equipment, vision technology, image processing and sensor technology, as well as weighing and counting technology and AI-supported software tools. And automation of industrial quality assurance itself offers numerous advantages such as transparency, consistency, cost efficiency and centralised documentation, along with comprehensive data analysis.
“Quality assurance constitutes an enormous realm of development,” notes Bettina Schall, managing director of trade fair promoters P. E. Schall, “because in order to meet current and future challenges, manufacturing has to be resource-conserving, free of defects, efficient and traceable. This involves major tasks for all manufacturing companies, who will thus need to find pragmatic and economically viable solutions. Sustainable production is inextricably linked to quality assurance. Control is the appropriate knowledge and business platform in this regard because it focuses on quality assurance measures with direct, practical relevance.”
“The QA sector is working at full throttle in order to meet current challenges,” says Control project manager Fabian Krüger. “Inline measuring technology, image processing, sensor technology and corresponding software solutions are developing rapidly. Pressure is mounting across the board for the implementation of QA measures. The complex range of tasks involving requirements for zero-defects manufacturing, automation, the shortage of qualified personnel and sustainability is making measuring and test technologies more important than ever. New fields of application are being penetrated continuously. As an internationally frequented communication and business platform, Control will surely be exciting – we’re looking forward to the exchange of ideas and experience!”
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