nextAudit UG Hall 8 - Stand 8004-2

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  • Software for computer aided quality assurance
    • Audit software
    • Software for evaluation and analysis
    • Supplier evaluation
    • Mobile data entry
The AuditCloud supplier portal as an innovative change in the supplier audit process
As a central place for documentation and actions, the AuditCloud supplier portal brings innovative change to the supplier audit process. In addition to communication with external parties, the tracking of deadlines is simplified by the active integration of the supplier in the portal ...more

Supplier portal of the AuditCloud
With the supplier portal as the latest extension of the AuditCloud, the processes of communication with external parties during supplier audits and the tracking of deadlines for the implementation of measures are now simplified and become more efficient. Simply integrated into the existing ...more

24. April 2024 from 9:40 to 10:20 Clock
KI im Managementsystem am Beispiel von Audits
nextAudit UG
Herr Alexander Stoffers
Congress West W1 + W2 FORUM
KIRA - The artificial intelligence in your audit
KIRA is an innovative audit AI in the AuditCloud that brings numerous capabilities and potentials to make audits more efficient and effective. By using KIRA, systematic problem areas can be better identified and proactive work can be done to further develop the company. Its capabilities ...more