Trade fair highlight 15. March 2024

Faster, more precise, more stable SIOS makes the difference!

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Triple beam laser interferometer SP 5000 TR: simultaneous displacement and measurement of two angles
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simultaneous and accurate length, pitch and yaw angle measurements with the SP 5000 TR
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Calibration laser interferometer SP 15000 C6: up to 6 DOF calibration of axes and linear guides
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Measurement and calibration of length, pitch angle, yaw angle, roll angle and straightness
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Displacement angle differential interferometer SP 5000 DI/DS: Length and pitch angle measurement
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Looking for measurement solutions that meet your needs for speed, accuracy, and stability?

We would like to introduce you to our product portfolio and inform you about the advantages and applications of our precision measurement technology.

Measure FASTER with the SP 5000 TR triple beam laser interferometer. With this interferometer, you can simultaneously measure pitch and yaw angles as well as lengths - ideal for evaluating motion axes such as guide, measuring, microscope and positioning stages.

With the SP 15000 C Series calibration laser interferometers, you can calibrate and align axes on measuring and machine tools as well as coordinate measuring machines. In combination with the RAS 175 W roll angle sensors, precise measurements of up to 6 DoF are possible.

For STABLE measurement results, use our latest product, the SP 5000 DI/DS.
This interferometer combines the advantages of the differential interferometer with those of the multi-beam interferometer for highly stable length measurements and high-resolution interferometric pitch angle measurements.

To meet the needs of various industrial applications, our multi-beam interferometers are available in standard, vacuum, and specialty versions for OEM applications.

Metrologists, quality inspectors, engineers, scientists, and purchasers around the world rely on SIOS precision measurement technology.
Convince yourself and let our experts advise you. We look forward to meeting you in person.