Trade fair highlight 01. March 2024

Thermal stress analysis with thermography

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Thermal stress analysis with thermography, iStock-kimtaro
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In the field of materials testing, non-destructive methods have become established alongside destructive testing methods. These include infrared thermography. With its help, even intricately shaped test objects can be analysed efficiently and without feedback. For this purpose, infrared cameras record non-contact thermal signatures on a test object. The signatures are based on the physical fact that materials show a thermal reaction when deformed. Often, only a combination of several methods provides the desired results for component characterisation. For example, displacements and mechanical deformations of material samples and components can be analysed in parallel with their thermal reaction.

InfraTec's exhibit at the Show18th Special Show for “Contactless Measuring Technology” consists of an ImageIR® 9400 infrared camera and a part of a car bumper that is subjected to a periodically alternating force. With the help of this exhibit, the correlation between elastic deformation and thermal signal can be demonstrated. This enables the analysis of the thermal behaviour and thus the internal stress of test specimens in the field of material and component testing. This test method is relevant in the field of materials testing. Materials such as metals, plastics and composites as well as electronic power components can be analysed in detail in this way.

InfraTec offers a complete portfolio of products and services related to commercial infrared thermography. These include:

- Infrared cameras of different performance classes, different detector formats and detector types
- Turnkey thermography system solutions
- Infrared cameras with superzoom lenses
- Numerous accessories
- Services such as special measurements, feasibility studies, calibration, etc.
- Seminars, workshops and user conferences on the topic